75th anniversary of the death of Vladimir Krukowski – Intelligenzaktion in Eastern Galicia

Summary: Biography of electrician-metrologist prof. dr. Eng. Wlodzimierz Krukowski, borned in 1887 in Radom: since 1906 he studied at Darmstadt and was an excellent student. During my studies, he joined the Siemens company, because of prof. Petersen's recomendation. The article descibes his achievements in research work in the Siemens electricity counters electricity laboratory in Nuremberg (including 40 international patents). It also discussed Krukowski's extraordinary work  in Lviv Polytechnic after 1930, interrupted in July 1941 by the German Gestapo killing him (aged 54) among four others professors of Lviv university on the Wuleckie hills in Lviv. It was part ofa bigger action called "Intelligenzaktion" started in 1939 in Pomerania, Wielkopolska and Silesia which headed toward a complete destruction of Polish intelligence. A list of all Polish professors murdered in Lviv and all people arrested with then in July 1941 was provided.

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